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Auto Utani Gran Hur Elfbot

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  1. Auto Utani Gran Hur Elfbot 2
  2. Hotkey Elfbot Auto Utani Gran Hur
  3. Auto Utani Gran Hur Elfbot 4

Stronghaste - casts ‘utani gran hur' if you are not current hasted swiftfoot - casts ‘utamo tempo san' if you are not current hasted turnn - turns you north turne - turns you east turns - turns you south turnw - turns you west Inventory. Layout by Open Tibia Community - OTC. Page has been viewed 4957000 times. Load time: 0.0036 seconds, queries: 0. Auto 100 stronghaste listas 'Utani gran hur' setcolor 0 400 500.

Elfbot Download
Please be aware of the rules before you download and use Elfbot for Collapser. Breaking rules will result in a temporary banishment of your account, and in some cases, a loss of experience.

  • 2Elfbot Scripts

Pinnacle tvc pro 4 windows 7 download.
Downloadable preset links for each vocation.
Druid Preset
Knight Preset
Paladin Preset
Sorcerer Preset
How to use Elfbot Preset

Auto Utani Gran Hur Elfbot 2

  1. Download the desired preset.
  2. Open your Elfbot folder.
  3. Open 'elfsettings'.
  4. Drag preset into 'elfsettings'
  5. In game on your Elfbot, click 'Custom' and go into your 'elfsettings' folder and click your desired preset.
  6. Click 'Load' on your elfbot.

You can also change the name of the Preset to your character name to easily load it when you login.
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Auto Utani Gran Hur Elfbot
Druid Self Healingauto 100 if [$self.hppc <= 95] say 'Exura Sio '$name' | listas 'Self Healing'
Sorcerer Healingauto 100 if [$self.hppc <= 95] say 'Exura Vita' | listas 'Self Healing'
Knight Healingauto 100 if [$self.hppc <= 85] say 'Exana Mort' | listas 'Self Healing'
Paladin Healingauto 100 if [$self.hppc <= 90] say 'Exura San' | listas 'Self Healing'
GMP Healingauto 500 if [$mppc <= 95] gmana self | listas 'GMP Healing'
SMP Healingauto 500 if [$mppc <= 95] smana self | listas 'SMP Healing'
Gmp & SMPauto 500 if [$mppc <=40] gmana self | if [$mppc <= 95 && $mppc >= 40] smana self | listas 'GMP&SMP'
Ultimate Healing Friendauto 500 if [$self.hppc => 87 && $friendcount >= 1 && $friend.hppc <= 85] uh friend | listas 'UH Friend'
Druid Sio Friendauto 500 if [$self.hppc >= 87 && $friendcount >= 1 && $friend.hppc <= 95] say 'Exura Gran Sio '$' | listas 'Sio Friend'
Druid Tempo Sio Friendauto 500 if [$self.hppc >= 87 && $soul <= 41 && $friendcount >= 1 && $friend.hppc <= 95] say 'Exura Gran Sio '$ | if [$self.hppc >= 87 && $soul >= 40 && $friendcount >= 1 && $friend.hppc <= 97] say 'Exura Tempo Sio '$ | listas 'Tempo Sio'
Druid Mass Tempo Friendauto 500 if [$self.hppc >= 87 && $soul <= 41] say 'Exura Gran Mas Res' | if [$self.hppc >= 87 && $soul >= 40 && $friendcount >= 1 && $friend.hppc <= 97] say 'Exura Tempo Sio '$ | listas 'Mass Tempo'

Support & Miscellaneous

Mage Hasteauto 500 if [$hasted 0 && $mppc =>20] say 'Utani Gran Hur' | listas 'Haste'
Knight/Paladin Hasteauto 500 if [$hasted 0 && $self.hppc => 90] say 'Utani Gran Hur' | listas 'Haste'
Reconnectauto 1000 ifnot $connected { reconnect | wait 30000 } | listas 'Reconnect'
Buy GMP Chargesauto 100 dontlist | foreach 'newmessages' $e {if [$e.content ? 'charges remain for your Great Mana Potion!'] say '!buycharges all'}
Staminaauto 10000 dontlist | if [$stamina <= 2520] say '!stamina'
GMP Trainingauto 100 if [$mppc100] say 'Exevo Mana' | gmana self | listas 'Training GMP'
SMP Trainingauto 100 if [$mppc100] say 'Exevo Mana' | smana self | listas 'Training SMP'
Immortalauto 1 if [$self.hppc <= 42] equipring 6299 | if [$self.hppc >= 58] equipring 3090 | listas 'Immortal'
Target Lockauto 600 listas 'Target' | if [$target.isonscreen 1 && $tagertt 0] {attack target | set $tagertt 1} | if [$target.isonscreen 0] {set $tagertt 0} | if [$target.isonscreen && $ 0] {attack target} | if [$target.isonscreen && $ 0] {attack target | wait 500}
Firebombauto 500 useoncreature 3192 self | listas 'Firebomb'
Exiva Targetauto 6000 exivatarget | listas 'Exiva Target'

Hotkey Elfbot Auto Utani Gran Hur


Fishing Rodauto 500 fish
Fishing Rodauto 500 set $n [$posy-4] | set $s [$posy+4] | set $e [$posx+4] | set $w [$posx-4]| useongroundxyz 3483 $e $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3483 $w $s $posz | useongroundxyz 3483 $w $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3483 $e $s $posz | listas 'Fishing Rod'
Fishing Spearauto 500 set $n [$posy-4] | set $s [$posy+4] | set $e [$posx+4] | set $w [$posx-4]| useongroundxyz 3346 $e $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3346 $w $s $posz | useongroundxyz 3346 $w $n $posz | useongroundxyz 3346 $e $s $posz | listas 'Fishing Spear'
Bundlesauto 100 listas 'Bundles' | usegrounditem 6507 | usegrounditem 6506 | stackitems | if [$itemcount.3035 >= 100] {say '!stackgold'}| if [$itemcount.3043 >= 100] {say '!stackgold'} | if [$itemcount.6526 >= 1]{say '!deposit all'} | dropitems 6507 | dropitems 6506
Open Bodiesauto 100 dontlist | opengrounditem 8965 | | opengrounditem 9010 | opengrounditem 9011 | opengrounditem 5985 | opengrounditem 4247 | opengrounditem 4248 | opengrounditem 4318 | opengrounditem 5688 | opengrounditem 5523 | opengrounditem 6323 | opengrounditem 6324 | wait 20000
2H Scrollauto 160000 ifnot [$posx >= 1717 && $posy >= 2202 && $posx <= 1797 && $posy <= 2262 && $posz 7] {useitem 642} | listas '2H Scroll'
10H Scrollauto 160000 ifnot [$posx >= 1717 && $posy >= 2202 && $posx <= 1797 && $posy <= 2262 && $posz 7] {useitem 640} | listas 'Ample Scroll'

To request a script be added to this page, please write your suggestion under the 'Wiki Suggestions' text channel within the Collapser discord.

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Auto Utani Gran Hur Elfbot 4

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